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Liposuction – What It Can & Can’t Do

Liposuction – What It Can & Can’t Do


liposuction Dos  and don'tsWhat Liposuction Can and What it Cannot Do

Due to the popularity of the procedure, patients are opting for liposuction as a cosmetic procedure without realizing what it can actually do to their body. Hence, many end up regretting their decision to undergo liposuction because it failed to achieve the results they wanted. Therefore, it is important for everyone to understand exactly what their cosmetic goals are and educate themselves as to whether liposuction is the right procedure for them.

Liposuction Can Achieve Body Symmetry

To those wanting to achieve a well-shaped body, they often do a lot of exercise and embark on a healthy diet. Yet many are disappointed to find that despite these efforts, there is still stubborn fat that won’t go away. On the other hand, most doctors discourage starving yourself just to achieve that shape you’ve always dreamed of.

In this modern age, surgical procedures can intervene and help you achieve that desired body shape. There is a branch of liposuction called liposculpture that enables you to sculpt your body into that desired shape and contour. This is done by removing excess fat in certain areas. The key for this procedure is removing small fats in certain parts of the body to accentuate the shape.

You need to remember that liposuction is not intended for weight control and a large reduction of fat. You cannot expect to reduce your size.  In other words, an overweight person will not become skinny.

Liposuction Cannot Stop Weight Gain

Although liposuction has been proven effective in terms of removing fat in particular areas in the body, doctors remind us that the results are not permanent. Over a certain period of time, these fats will return depending mainly on metabolism. Therefore, most doctors advise their patients to follow up any liposuction procedure with a healthy diet to discourage the re-formation of fat.

Studies have shown that the localized effects brought about by liposuction are evident only within 6 to 12 months. Therefore, every patient is advised to observe a healthy diet if they want to maintain the results. If you want to achieve a preferable body figure, then it is your responsibility to take care of your body whether you undergo liposuction or not.

You should not use liposuction as a diet replacement. It does not resolve your weight problems but only adjusts disproportionate areas in your body.

Liposuction Won’t Remove Cellulite

If you are undergoing ordinary liposuction procedures, then this won’t be able to erase that unpleasant cellulite. Cellulite is a case of dimpling on the surface of your skin due to ripples of fat and its underlying fibrous connective tissues.

Furthermore, doctors say that when liposuction is done on the lower layers of your skin, this could even worsen cellulite since it is mostly evident in the upper layers of your skin. Therefore, if you want to enhance the results of liposuction, you need to couple them with other physical factors like good quality sleep, exercise, and maintaining a normal blood pressure.

Liposuction Won’t Firm Up Your Skin

Liposuction is a procedure done only to reduce fat in your body. Therefore, if you want to tighten up your skin tissues, then liposuction is definitely not the procedure for you. You can consult your doctor for the proper procedure to achieve this effect, but do not expect it to happen with liposuction.

Moreover, for men looking to achieve six-pack abs, liposuction won’t chisel that for you. It only aims to sculpt your body. On the other hand, muscles are responsible for achieving a six-pack abs and only exercise will do that for you.

Liposuction Should Only Enhance

For all patients of liposuction, you cannot expect to maintain results from the procedure unless you take responsibility for your body.  Take time to modify a previously unhealthy diet and engage in a regular exercise routine for best results. Liposuction serves only to enhance the shape or figure of your body.

In fact, most of those people who have undergone liposuction and refused to make necessary health changes ended up accumulating fat in their body again. Moreover, there are some that even decide to undergo the procedure for a second time and are still unable to maintain the results.

Therefore, you need to make realistic expectations from the liposuction procedure and work on achieving that.


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